Payment Information
Once you have selected the items you wish to purchase and have finished shopping, you will begin the payment process. Before you pay, though, please take a second to read through the Terms & Conditions listed on this page carefully—confirming your order means that you automatically accept these. Next select the 'check out' option and you will be prompted with the necessary check out procedures including supplying the shipping & billing address.
Once you get to the payment stage you will be directed to the Payfast or Zapper payment portal to complete your purchase.
Payfast is a secure portal that accepts all forms of payment including, Visa, Visa electron, Maestro, American Express etc. Payfast does not give us access to your card details at any stage of the process.
NB. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A PAYFAST ACCOUNT TO PAY WITH PAYFAST - you can simply click the 'don't have a Payfast account option' (small print) when it prompts you and it allows you to simply add your credit/debit card details.